For a portal of 1 month and 11 days, the Black Girls’ Guide to Surviving Menopause is holding our FIRST community fundraiser!
We are in Season 5 of the podcast. 5 is a year of change and transformation. As a multi-media platform with the intent to shift the narrative and landscape of menopause, we’ve expanded our approach in how we are bringing the menopause conversation to the global majority.
This year, we’ve gone on a diasporic tour, BGG2SM Hits the Road, to visit some of the partners we’ve met and the communities they live and work in. We’ve also grown our team to support in the continued documentation of our stories. We now turn to you, our community, to help sustain the growth we’ve experienced and to continue this work mapping the menopausal multiverse.
We are looking for 55 supporters to help sustain our work. Your monthly contribution is a commitment to support our work and our team.
We are also looking to raise $5000 via one-time contributions. Your donation is a pledge to help us continue to move forward.
Thanks to your support
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